Thursday, July 15, 2010

Order Now Spike Dog Harness Manufacturers for Great Dane

 offer this popular, non-restrictive type harness, because of its superior design.
Fully adjustable front and back.
Allows maximum comfort and freedom of movement for the dog, while retaining maximum control for the handler.
This Leather spiked harness fits medium to large Great DaneS.

This Spiked harness has a padded breast plate to cushion the dog when it hits the end of the line while doing protection work.

Around the chest behind the front legs(Green color on the picture):
21.5-30 inch (55-75 cm)

Around the neck of the dog(Red color on the picture):
18-25.6 inch (45-65cm)
Around the chest behind the front legs(Green color on the picture):
26-32 inch (65-82 cm)

Around the neck of the dog(Red color on the picture):
19.5-27.5 inch (50-70 cm)

General "Woof" Tip: If you feel that after reading this info you still have questions please call, email or fax us and we will answer your additional questions and will help with selecting right product.

Right Spike Dog Harness Manufacturers

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